How to Apply for RDP Houses

That’s because, for many South Africans, the decades-long disparity between the wealthy and the poor coupled means the dream of owning a home is still far from being realised. In fact, two-thirds of the population have never owned a home. Recent events like the pandemic and record-breaking unemployment make this possibility even more challenging than ever before. Thankfully the government is still helping many South Africans realise the dream of owning a home by building and distributing RDP houses.Most RDP houses are in cities, making them the perfect place to help recipients access other opportunities and services.

What is RDP Housing?
The Reconstruction and Development Program is one way the South African government addresses the lack of homeownership in South Africa. Additionally, the program aims to provide access to water, electricity, and municipal services in poorer communities. To help in this mission, the government has launched subsidised housing, known as RDP housingFor those who are eligible for RDP houses, there aren’t any costs associated with owning the property. Eligible recipients don’t have to purchase the home, nor do they have to provide any type of home deposit. However, accessing an RDP house requires stringent requirements to ensure only the truly impoverished and disenfranchised receive the homes.

Who Qualifies for an RDP House?
Since the purpose of RDP housing is to help impoverished and struggling South Africans, the prerequisites ensure that only those who meet these criteria are eligible. Also, the Department of Human Settlement will be sure to verify that the information you provide meets the following criteria.That said, to qualify for an RDP house, you must:

Be a South African citizen
Earn or make less than R3,500 a month per household
Be contractually capable (which means able to understand and enter into a contract)
Be cohabiting with a partner or married or be single with dependants
Have never owned or co-owned a home
Not be receiving any other government subsidy
If you’re a military veteran, you need to be single without financial dependents.
If you’re an aged person, you need to be single without financial dependents.
If you meet these criteria, you can follow the steps below to apply for an RDP house.

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