Job hunting is one of the few difficult experiences and as much as it is, waiting for a contact from hiring managers you just had an interview with is even worse. Many people sit knowing nothing to do after an interview, we have developed some few tips of what can be done once the interview is over.
Here are five things to do after an interview.
Make notes just after the interview
The first thing to do when you arrive at home or wherever you may want to go
After the interview is to make some notes of everything said in the interview. Brains easily forget things but a pen and a paper will never let you down, this will help you to note down important things you may need when you do follow ups.
Send a follow up email
When you have those notes you can easily send an email for follow up just few hours after the interview. Use the notes you wrote down after the interview to influence your email that will help you separates you from the rest of the group you interviewed. The purpose of this email is to keep everyone of that day thinking about your name and your visit.
Send a thank you note
Send a thank you email within 24 hours after your interview; write a short message of gratitude thanking them for inviting you for the interview and taking their time to consider your application. Send it within business hours, especially just after 9 am in the morning, because companies receives tons of emails so you don’t hiring managers digging up to find your email.
Use the notes you took just after the interview to write personalized thank you notes to the people you met with during your visit. Mention some of the things you spoke about that day that works to your advantage.
Request a Feedback
Example of feedback email
I just want to thank you for inviting me to the interview and taking the time to meet with me on Thursday to discuss Sales Manager position. I enjoyed our conversation and our discussion about how what can be down to minimize the costs of selling products without minimizing the quantity of product sold, the conversation was very interesting and educational.
I’m following up to see if you have any updates regarding the position now, I cannot wait to have more of what we discussed in the interview.
I’m excited to hear about the next steps, and the role seems like a great fit for my background based on what I learned! Anything you can share would be great.
Thanks so much.